prod: .settings: no_script_name: on logging_enabled: off use_process_cache: on cache: off dev: .settings: error_reporting: web_debug: on cache: off no_script_name: off etag: off logging_enabled: on use_process_cache: off cache: .settings: error_reporting: web_debug: on cache: on no_script_name: on etag: off logging_enabled: off use_process_cache: on all: .actions: error_404_module: errors # To be called when a 404 error is raised error_404_action: error404 # Or when the requested URL doesn't match any route login_module: portal # To be called when a non-authenticated user login_action: login # Tries to access a secure page secure_module: portal # To be called when a user doesn't have secure_action: login # The credentials required for an action .settings: check_lock: on use_process_cache: on csrf_secret: true # Unique secret to enable CSRF protection or false to disable escaping_strategy: off # Determines how variables are made available to templates. Accepted values: on, off. escaping_method: ESC_RAW # Function or helper used for escaping. Accepted values: ESC_RAW, ESC_ENTITIES, ESC_JS, ESC_JS_NO_ENTITIES, and ESC_SPECIALCHARS. i18n: on # Enable interface translation. Set to off if your application should not be translated. standard_helpers: [ Partial, Cache, Form, Javascript, Lightbox, I18N, Funkcje ] enabled_modules: [ default, sfGuardAuth, sfLucene, sfTree, sfFeed2 ] charset: utf-8 default_culture: pl # Default user culture