Installation Instructions: --------------------------- Installing Swift Mailer is exremely easy, as with most PHP Libraries. All the code you need to be able to run swift is contained in the "lib" directory. Upload this directory (I suggest you rename it to "swift" or something) to your web server. DO NOT play around with the layout of the directory inside "lib" since refactoring has resulted in many files which (mostly) need to stay where they are. Make sure you put the directory in a location which PHP can access. This may not necessarily be in the htdocs root. Once uploaded, you should proceed to read the documentation at the website. The documentation in the "docs" directory bundled with Swift is simply rudimentaray API documentation created by PHPDocumentor. You are safe to remove everything except the "lib" directory. You may be interested in running the tests in the "tests" directory before you get going ;) Remember to edit "tests/TestConfiguration.php" if you plan on running the tests. You'll also need a copy of SimpleTest by Marcus Baker (see sourceforge). Getting Help: ------------- Swift Mailer now has it's own forum at DevNetwork: I moderate at DevNetwork under the username "d11wtq" so post a query on there or e-mail me at Chris Corbyn