1..102 # ::load() ok 1 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure () ok 2 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (null) ok 3 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (false) ok 4 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (true) ok 5 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (12) ok 6 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (quoted string) ok 7 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ('quoted string') ok 8 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (12.30e+02) ok 9 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (0x4D2) ok 10 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (02333) ok 11 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (.Inf) ok 12 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (-.Inf) not ok 13 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (123456789123456789) # Failed test (./sfYamlInlineTest.php at line 70) # got: 123456789123456789 # expected: '123456789123456789' ok 14 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (2007-10-30) ok 15 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (2007-10-30T02:59:43Z) ok 16 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (2007-10-30 02:59:43 Z) ok 17 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (a \string\ with 'quoted strings inside') ok 18 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ('a string with ''quoted strings inside''') ok 19 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([foo, http://urls.are/no/mappings, false, null, 12]) ok 20 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([ foo , bar , false , null , 12 ]) ok 21 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (['foo,bar', 'foo bar']) ok 22 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ({foo:bar,bar:foo,false:false,null:null,integer:12}) ok 23 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ({ foo : bar, bar : foo, false : false, null : null, integer : 12 }) ok 24 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ({foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo: bar'}) ok 25 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([foo, [bar, foo]]) ok 26 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([foo, {bar: foo}]) ok 27 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ({ foo: {bar: foo} }) ok 28 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ({ foo: [bar, foo] }) ok 29 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([ foo, [ bar, foo ] ]) ok 30 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([{ foo: {bar: foo} }]) ok 31 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([foo, [bar, [foo, [bar, foo]], foo]]) ok 32 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([foo, {bar: foo, foo: [foo, {bar: foo}]}, [foo, {bar: foo}]]) ok 33 - ::load() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure ([foo, bar: { foo: bar }]) # ::dump() ok 34 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (null) ok 35 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (false) ok 36 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (true) ok 37 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (12) ok 38 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ('quoted string') ok 39 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (12.30e+02) ok 40 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (1234) ok 41 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (1243) ok 42 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (.Inf) ok 43 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (-.Inf) ok 44 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ('a string with ''quoted strings inside''') ok 45 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ([foo, bar, false, null, 12]) ok 46 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (['foo,bar', 'foo bar']) ok 47 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ({ foo: bar, bar: foo, 'false': false, null: null, integer: 12 }) ok 48 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ({ foo: bar, bar: 'foo: bar' }) ok 49 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ([foo, [bar, foo]]) ok 50 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ([foo, [bar, [foo, [bar, foo]], foo]]) ok 51 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ({ foo: { bar: foo } }) ok 52 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ([foo, { bar: foo }]) ok 53 - ::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML ([foo, { bar: foo, foo: [foo, { bar: foo }] }, [foo, { bar: foo }]]) ok 54 - check consistency ok 55 - check consistency ok 56 - check consistency ok 57 - check consistency ok 58 - check consistency ok 59 - check consistency ok 60 - check consistency ok 61 - check consistency ok 62 - check consistency ok 63 - check consistency ok 64 - check consistency ok 65 - check consistency ok 66 - check consistency ok 67 - check consistency ok 68 - check consistency ok 69 - check consistency ok 70 - check consistency ok 71 - check consistency ok 72 - check consistency ok 73 - check consistency ok 74 - check consistency ok 75 - check consistency ok 76 - check consistency ok 77 - check consistency ok 78 - check consistency ok 79 - check consistency ok 80 - check consistency ok 81 - check consistency ok 82 - check consistency ok 83 - check consistency ok 84 - check consistency ok 85 - check consistency ok 86 - check consistency ok 87 - check consistency ok 88 - check consistency ok 89 - check consistency ok 90 - check consistency ok 91 - check consistency ok 92 - check consistency ok 93 - check consistency ok 94 - check consistency ok 95 - check consistency ok 96 - check consistency ok 97 - check consistency ok 98 - check consistency ok 99 - check consistency ok 100 - check consistency ok 101 - check consistency ok 102 - check consistency Looks like you failed 1 tests of 102.